The Board

Who is on the “Hello World” board?

The new school year has started and that means there is a new board. The new board consists mainly of new faces. We are really looking forward to planning cool activities for students and making the education a bit more fun!

  • Chairwoman: Shirel Snopik, 2e jaars student
  • Secretary / Treasurer: Manon Mampaey, 2e jaars student
  • Head of activities: Tim Kardol, 4e jaars student
  • Head of Media: Paolina Ganeva, 2e jaars student

Shirel Snopik:
“My name is Shirel and I’m a 2nd year ICT student and I come from Israel. Being the chairman of this association is a opportunity for me to be a good team leader but also I enjoy it because I have the best team at hands. As the leader of the the association I have to make sure that things are being done in time and that the team works together as a team!”

Manon Mampaey:
“Hello, I’m Manon and I’m also a 2nd year ICT student from the Netherlands.
I look at what needs to be done and track what the team has done. As a treasurer I need to make sure the budget is enough which an important part within the association. As a secretary I take notes and keep track of the tasks we set up as a team. I also look at our budgets and keep track of it.”

Tim Kardol:
“Hello, my name is Tim, I’m a 4th year ICT student and I’m from the Netherlands. As my last year in the studies I wanted to become the head of activity so I can organise activities where ICT students come together to have fun and meet people! Being the head of the activities committee comes with organising activities for the students and making sure they feel included in the ICT program!”

Paolina Ganeva:
“Hi, my name is Paolina I come from Bulgaria and I’m a 2nd year ICT student. I wanted to promote the association, so students find out about our fun activites and to share it on our social media sites. As the head of the media department my job is to promote activities and keep the S.A. ‘Hello World’ known to student so they don’t miss out!”


Want to contact the board?

You can contact us via or the contact form on the contact page.